
Articles Posted in shareholder deadlock


Shotgun Agreements and Other Methods to Break Deadlock

Buy-sell agreements, like a shotgun sale triggered by a deadlock, are the principal means by which the owners of closely held businesses protect against the worst consequences of deadlock. Commonly used shotgun provisions allow one party to set the price and allow the other party to decided whether to buy…


Anti-Deadlock Agreements in Business Divorce Litigation

Owners of a closely held business, be it a corporation, limited liability company or partnership, may enter into contracts that are triggered when the principals have become deadlocked. Anti-deadlock provisions may provide for the appointment of an independent director,  for alternative dispute resolution, or for the compelled sale of an…


Deadlock Requires Finding of Harm to Corporation

Deadlock is more than an inability to make a decision.  It is an inability to act under circumstances that present the real threat of harm to the business. Deadlock is triggered by the shareholders’ inability to elect directors. When there are no alternatives to prevent harm to the business, like…


Deadlock in the Closely Held Business

Deadlock is the inability of the owners of a business to make critical decisions, a paralysis of the management of closely held corporation, limited liability company or partnership. The inability to maintain normal operations is a characteristic of a deadlocked business. Courts will intervene to prevent harm to a deadlocked…

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